Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fiesta Colors, and Years Produced

By 1937 they had added many new Items to the line of Fiesta.
Here is a list of the Five original Colors:

Color------------------------ Years in Production
Red-------------------------1936 - 1943 & 1959 - 1972
Blue (Cobalt)---------------1936 - 1951
Green (Light)---------------1936 - 1951
Yellow----------------------1936 - 1969
Original Ivory--------------1936 - 1951

Originally all five colors sold at the same price; bud vases and salt and pepper shakers were priced in pairs.

But on the May ’37 price list, red items were higher than the other colors. For example, a red 12" flower vase was priced at $2.35; in the other colors it was only $1.85. A red onion soup was $1.00, 25¢ higher than the others.
New to the assortment at that time were the three items mentioned earlier — the 6-cup (medium) teapot, the 10½" compartment plate, and the 10-ounce tumbler. Bud vases and salt and pepper shakers were priced singularly.

More changes occurred in the fall of 1942. Items discontinued at that time included the tripod candle holders, the A.D. coffeepot, and both the 10" and 12" flower vases.
In 1943 our government assumed control of uranium oxide, an important element used in the manufacture of the Fiesta red glaze. As a result, it was dropped from production — “Fiesta red went to war.” Perhaps the fact that Fiesta red had been listed separately and priced proportionately higher than the other colors was due to the higher cost of raw material plus the fact that the red items required strict control during firing; losses that did occur had to be absorbed in the final costs.

The original Red was taken out of production from 1943 to 1959, due to a lack of supply of Uranium Oxide, which was used in small amounts to create the color. This is not surprising Considering our country had been in the midst of WW2 since Sept. of 1939, and Homer Laughlin was still doing a good deal of production , and business and survived "The Great War" when many other businesses folded, shows the strength, and intellect of it's owners.

After the Great War ended the company had to acquire, a license to use and have Uranium Oxide. The Atomic Energy Commission licensed the Homer Laughlin China Company to again buy the depleted uranium oxide, and Fiesta red returned to the market in March of 1959.

The big news in 1959 of Fiesta red being reinstated was amasing. It was welcomed back with much ado!
And Fiesta red returned to the market in March of 1959.

In addition to red, turquoise, and yellow,and a new color — medium green — was offered. Rose, gray, chartreuse, and dark green were discontinued; and the following items were no longer available: 15" chop plate, A.D. coffee cup and saucer, regular coffeepot, 10½" compartment plate, cream soup cup, egg cup, 4¾" fruit bowl, and the 2-pint jug. A new item made an appearance — the individual salad bowl.

But let's get back to 1951
In 1951 Times and colors schemes in homes were on the change, and so was Fiesta.
Four new collors were added to the line, they were:

Color--------------------------Years in Production

Forest Green ------------------- 1951 - 1959
Rose-----------------------------1951 - 1959
Chartreuse-----------------------1951 - 1959
Gray-----------------------------1951 - 1959

These four colors are most commonly referred to by collectors as the 50's colors.

Be Sure to Visit my Photo Album " Fiesta, Time Marches on"

To Be CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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